How do we describe that?
Gareth Long Gareth Long

How do we describe that?

While editing a short story I wrote a few years ago, I came across the phrase “He placed the book face down on the table.” I knew at once what I had meant by this; I pictured it without thinking about it. The character placed the book down open on the table with the cover facing up. But that isn’t right, is it?

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What are stories and why do we need them?
Gareth Long Gareth Long

What are stories and why do we need them?

These two questions probably sound like they have even more obvious answers than ‘What is science and why do we need it?’ But the sheer amount of stories we engage with nowadays, the many different forms they take, and the immense differences in how our individual minds perceive and process them, makes it just as complicated to answer neatly.

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What is science, and why do we need it?
Gareth Long Gareth Long

What is science, and why do we need it?

It sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But the definitions we have of “science” in our individual minds are all very different – and perhaps far more complicated – than the reality.

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