Gareth M Long at Wandlebury, Cambridge.

Time to update my bio again, this time with the help of my critical voice.

Right, so what’s the gist this time?

I’m a writer, armchair-artist, and digital content creator from Cambridge, UK, now based in Colchester. Been writing, drawing, making music and taking photographs since I was a child.

Yadda yadda yadda.

I’m also a Highly Sensitive Person, but only realised this and started exploring what it means for me since 2020.

Check the mood of room and move on. Quick.

I graduated with Merit from MA Creative Writing at ARU in 2014, and BA (Hons) Drama from Manchester University in 1996.

Boring and over-technical. What do qualifications even mean anymore?

The driving force behind all my projects is a curiosity to discover more about our world and universe, and all the creatures that share this mystery of life.

Wow, you’re-so-interesting-tell-us-more-no-don’t.

Being a writer, I have a great interest in our stories and beliefs. They tell us much about who we are and how we have come to be, both as groups and individuals.

Truly fascina… snore.

But I also believe scientific enquiry to be the best tool at our disposal when trying to understand ourselves and our environment - from the workings of our minds to the potential for alternate universes - with as little bias as humanly possible.

Sorry, did you say something?

The Misadventures of Stank and Bohdrum series explores the intersection and friction between science and storytelling through their own unique brand of retrofuturistic mysteries.

Oh, you’re trying to sell stuff now then?

If you want to tell me something I’ve done isn’t rubbish, email me at If you just want to trashtalk or troll me, stick to social media.

If I could be bothered

* The ‘M’ isn’t an attempt at pretension, but to avoid confusion with the various other writers and artists called Gareth Long - it seems strangely ubiquitous among creatives!

Did anyone even ask?